Carmen Vicente was born in the province of Loja, Ecuador. Heir of a spiritual lineage, she has been recognised in her community since her birth for her gifts as a “healer” and during her childhood she actively practised this role, specifically healing children and animals. In her adolescence she left her community to start a life in the city. She began her path in the theater in the sixties in Ecuador, performing on the most important stages and at festivals in America and Europe.
Concurrently, she also dedicated herself to recovering the art of craft making with women’s organisations in marginal sectors of the country, such as jails and other vulnerable populations, education programs for indigenous and peasant children with UNICEF-UNESCO.
Three decades of experience in the theatre, the arts, and her expansion of her original role, makes Carmen Vicente an exceptional woman recognised by authorities of different indigenous nations from North and South America, with whom she has established permanent alliances. In this way she has consolidated her lineage as a Woman of Spiritual Path, Sun and Spirit Dance Chief and Vision Quest Chief.
As bearer of the sacred art of altars she has initiated countless ceremonial circles in Europe and America. To date, she brings together individuals and collectives to revitalise the memory of the ancient cultures of the earth and to renew the awareness of the relation of Spirit and Life through “Art as origin”.
Since 2004 she has led women gatherings in Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, United States, Australia, and Europe. Approximately one hundred women of wisdom and seekers from South and North America, Europe and Asia come together to share, live, and create spaces of celebration and mutual enrichment. In this way, Carmen Vicente shares with women the path towards rediscovery of the origin of their power and their responsibilities in these times as birth givers of creation and guardians of the fire.
Currently, she continues to strengthen the design of women’s gatherings and regularly participates as speaker and lecturer in diverse festivals and educational spaces. She now leads various projects in South, Central, North America and Europe, and resides between Ecuador and Canada.
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